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How To Get Automatic Highlights of Your Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Gameplay

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, developed by Sledgehammer Games and published by Activision, marks a thrilling return to the iconic first-person shooter series. With its all-new campaign, revamped classic multiplayer maps, and an open-world PvE Zombies experience, the game builds on the success of its predecessor, Modern Warfare 2 (2022). The multiplayer aspect features 16 upgraded maps from the 2009 release, showcasing enhanced graphics, new modes, and innovative gameplay features. For players seeking to effortlessly capture and share their most thrilling in-game moments, Sizzle.gg proves to be the perfect companion. Utilizing advanced artificial intelligence, Sizzle.gg automatically generates highlights of your best moments! In this tutorial, we’ll guide you through the easy steps of utilizing Sizzle.gg to capture your impressive highlights from your Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 gameplay!

Step 1: Visit Sizzle.gg

Begin your quest for automatic highlights by visiting the Sizzle.gg website. This platform serves as your ultimate destination for easily crafting and sharing the standout moments from your Modern Warfare 3 matches.

Sizzle.gg Homepage

Step 2: Create an Account

To maximize your experience on Sizzle.gg, it’s essential to create an account. This simple process guarantees you a dedicated space within Sizzle.gg’s Dashboard, allowing you to manage your highlights with efficiency.

Sizzle.gg Sign Up

Step 3: Link Your Streaming Account

To retrieve your gameplay footage, you’ll need to link your streaming account to Sizzle.gg. This step allows the platform to fetch your streams and analyze them for exciting moments.

Sizzle.gg Stream Linking Settings

Step 4: Fetch Streams or Upload Your Gameplay

Once your account is set up and linked, it’s time to fetch your Modern Warfare 3 streams. Simply press the “fetch streams” button, and Sizzle.gg will work its magic. Alternatively, if you have saved gameplay on your device, select the “Upload” button.

Sizzle.gg Dashboard

Step 5: Select Game Title

Once your streams have been retrieved or your gameplay has been uploaded, you must choose the game title “Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3” from the dropdown menu, and then click on “OK.”

Sizzle.gg Dashboard – Game Title Selection

Step 6: Wait for Sizzle to Work Its Magic

Now, all that’s left to do is wait a bit for Sizzle.gg to process your footage. Within a few hours, your highlights will be ready, and you’ll be ready to revisit your amazing moments.

Sizzle.gg Dashboard

Downloading and Sharing Your Highlights

Once processing is complete, you can begin downloading your highlights right away. With a single click, you can share these highlights on social media platforms such as X (formerly known as Twitter) and TikTok, enabling you to showcase your skills and memorable moments to your followers. Moreover, you have the option to tailor the clip length and integrate them into your Sizzle profile.

Sizzle.gg Dashboard Sharing Feature


Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 brings fast-paced, first-person shooter action with a focus on intense combat scenarios and a variety of multiplayer modes. With Sizzle.gg, you can effortlessly capture and share those thrilling moments from your Modern Warfare 3 matches. Follow these simple steps to make your highlights shine, and remember to share your feedback with Sizzle.gg on our official Discord server and X account!